Margaret I. Cuomo, MD
Margaret I. Cuomo, MD, the author of A World Without Cancer: The Making of a New Cure and the Real Promise of Prevention," published by Rodale in 2012.
Dr. Cuomo is a board-certified radiologist who served as an attending physician in diagnostic radiology at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, New York. Specializing in body imaging, involving CT, ultrasound, MRI, and interventional procedures, much of her practice was dedicated to the diagnosis of cancer and AIDS. She is the daughter of the late New York Governor Mario Cuomo and Mrs. Matilda Cuomo. She has been interviewed on many TV shows, such as Good Morning America, Good Day New York, Morning Joe, Inside Edition, and national and regional radio programs, and has been featured in many magazines and newspapers, including Better Homes and Gardens, Education Update, Family Circle, Glamour, In Style, Manhattan, Metro Newspapers, Networking, New York Daily News, O Magazine, Parade, People, Prevention, Redbook, Vogue and Women’s Day, and on-line sites (DoctorOz.com, Glamour.com, DailyBeast.com, Prevention.com, BlackstoneAudio.com, ASCOPost.com, EverydayHealth.com, RodaleNews.com). Dr. Cuomo was a contributor and a member of the Medical Review Board of the Huffington Post and has contributed to WebMD and Health Day.
On January16th, 2019, Dr. Cuomo was presented with WebMD's 2018 Health Heroes "Trailblazer" Award. CBS Sunday Morning featured Dr. Cuomo for its special report on cancer prevention in 2017. Dr. Cuomo is the creator and host of the first TV one-hour special program on cancer prevention, entitled, "A World Without Cancer,” produced by the Public Broadcasting Service, PBS. The program has been airing nationally since November 2016 and is available from PBS.
Dr. Cuomo is honored to be a member of the Advisory Board of the Basser Center, an organization with the University of Pennsylvania’s Abramson Cancer Center that is dedicated to the research and treatment of BRCA-related cancers. She is a also a member of the True Health Initiative. Dr. Cuomo addresses organizations and groups throughout the country, advocating for the prevention of cancer and other diseases.